Holistic Portfolio Development
Holistic Portfolio Development
Service Description
Kenyatta A. C. Hinkle, an award-winning visual artist, writer, and performer, will give you unique insight about your entire portfolio to date. We will examine reoccurring themes, undercurrents, and unexpressed modalities within your practice that may need more development or illumination. Much emphasis will be placed on ancestral reverence and what that has to do with what you are inclined to create or not create. Although you can use this service to apply for grants and grad school this service is catered towards you developing a deeper connection and relationship with your work as it pertains to your life path whether you will join an institutional setting or not. This 1-1 holistic portfolio development consultation will help you view your entire portfolio and artist statement holistically in order to discuss what certain opportunities mean for your whole path moving forward so we can develop a strategy and plan of action that will help you with every opportunity that you apply for that will be in alignment with your highest good.
Cancellation Policy
To cancel or reschedule please let us know via email with 24 hours.
Contact Details